Tuesday, December 30, 2014

12/31/14 - Night before departure

Tonight's our last night at home before we head out for our January adventure -- from Florida to the South Pacific!  We're very excited especially after planning this trip, which is a celebration of our 40th anniversary and of my retirement, for months. 

Today was spent actually packing up all the piles of things we had around the house to take -- from evening clothes to paperwork to passports and $$s and on to snorkeling equipment.  Are we big time snorkelers?  Not at all, however we cannot spend time in the beautiful South Pacific without taking some time to swim with sting rays, sharks, and gorgeous colored fish weaving through the coral reefs.  We decided to try on our gear before packing it and thought our readers would like to see what the fish will see when we snorkel...

Hopefully we won't scare all the fish away with our crazy appearance!

We're both all packed now except for those last minute items that will go into our  suitcases tomorrow morning.  We'll head up to Tampa after lunch and check into our hotel for the night.  Then we'll leave our car there until we return -- that's a terrific service the hotel provides, plus we get to use their free shuttle to get to and from the airport.

Happy New Year to everyone!

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